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New Sierra Leone’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Bids Farewell to President Julius Maada Bio in Freetown

State House, Freetown, Friday 4 October 2019 – Sierra Leone’s new High Commissioner to the United Kingdom and Ireland, Dr Morie Komba Manyeh, has called at State House to bid farewell to His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio.

He thanked the President for the opportunity to serve the Government and people of Sierra Leone as High Commissioner to the United Kingdom and Ireland and promised to faithfully serve the nation. He said he was particularly aware of the challenges ahead but assured he was ready for the task to move the New Direction forward.

In his response, President Bio said that the new High Commissioner was taking up a very difficult task at a time when the country was going through a lot of image cleansing at the international scene and trying to woo investors to return to the country. He said that his government was looking at economic diplomacy to attract the best and credible investors to come to the country and also assured of his support at all times.

The new High Commissioner is a retired academic from the University of Sierra Leone with years of service as a teacher, researcher and administrator. Before his recent appointment, Dr Manyeh was also Sierra Leone’s Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources.

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