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Members of Tribunal to Investigate Auditor General and Deputy Take Oath Before Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio

State House, Freetown, Monday 6 December 2021 – Members of the recently constituted tribunal to investigate the Auditor General, Mrs. Lara Taylor-Pearce and her deputy, Tamba Momoh, have taken an oath before His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio as required by law.

Chairperson of the tribunal is Honourable Justice Nyawo Finda Matturi-Jones, JSC, a retired Supreme Court Judge, described by her peers as a fine woman with unblemished character, who worked across Sierra Leone right from being a magistrate to serving for many years as High Court Judge in Kenema and eventually became a Supreme Court Judge in 2016.  The other members are Honourable Justice Ansumana Ivan Sesay and Mr. Lahai M. Farma.

Justice Matturi-Jones thanked the President for appointing them to take part in what she said was a rare occasion to look into the activities of the Auditor General and her deputy, following their suspension recently.

She confirmed that it would deepen democracy and improve on the credentials of the country because it would allow and give the two public servants the opportunity to clear their names and in a transparent and credible manner.

She further noted that she and her colleagues on the tribunal were ready, willing, and able to perform the task for which they had been appointed, adding that they were also familiar with the laws and assured that they would use their long years of experience to work diligently in the interest of Sierra Leone.

“We are prepared and willing to listen to whatever evidence that is available. We are ready to analyse the situation and apply the laws justly,” she assured.

His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio thanked the newly sworn-in members of the tribunal for accepting the challenge, adding that the Tribunal should do their best to investigate the matter that was referred to them.

“We are in compliance with the Constitution of Sierra Leone. It is now left with you to investigate the matter and get back to us. I wish you all the best and look forward to the outcome. Thank you,” he concluded.

For More Enquiries: State House Media and Communications Unit


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