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Ghanaian Special Envoy Pays Courtesy Call on President Julius Maada Bio to discuss bilateral relations

State House, Freetown, Tuesday 28 May 2019 – Special Envoy and Minister of Planning in Ghana, Professor George Gyan-Baffour, has met with His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio at State House to discuss bilateral relations between the two West African nations.

The two men spoke on a wide range of issues including regional and sub-regional cooperation and talked about deepening the already existing bilateral relations they enjoyed.

In his brief remarks, President Bio said: “Our countries are very close in terms of our relationship and we are open up to further strengthen that. So, it is a pleasure to have you here”.

It could be recalled that in October last year, the Rtd. Brig. General made his first official visit to Accra, the capital of Ghana, as President of Sierra Leone where he was welcomed by his counterpart, President Nana Akufo-Addo.

The two Heads of State had also met at a separate bilateral summit in Accra where they both expressed satisfaction with the warm and cordial relations that existed between the two countries and reaffirmed their determination to widen the ties.

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