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Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio Launches ‘Operations No Runoff’, His Official Campaign Strategies to Win the June 24 Elections At First Ballot

Combema Road, Kenema City, Tuesday 23 May 2023 – Stakeholders in Kenema District have joined the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party, SLPP, Candidate, His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio to officially launch his second term bid elections campaign, the evening after the morning launch of his manifesto.

The New Direction Manifesto 2023 is based on five thematic areas, otherwise known as the Big Five and they include an initiative to boost agricultural productivity to ensure food security, nurturing skills for 21st-century industry, a presidential initiative to create 500,000 jobs for the youth in the next five years, delivery, efficiency and professionalism, and a pathway for sustained economic growth.

Chairman of the party, Dr Prince Alex Harding, called on residents in the eastern district in particular and the country, in general, to vote for the re-election of President Julius Maada Bio for the transformation of Sierra Leone, adding that the only party that could be identified with all the tangible developments in the country was the SLPP.

“The SLPP is known for development and our President, in the last five years, has transformed Sierra Leone more than any other, especially through his Human Capital Development agenda. Therefore, we are calling on all SLPP supporters, sympathisers and all development-oriented Sierra Leoneans to vote His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio in the coming June elections,” he urged.

First Lady, Dr Fatima Maada Bio, called on parents and all citizens of voting age to vote President Bio, pointing out that “This election is not about Maada Bio or the SLPP as a party. It is about your children’s future, their education, more development, the protection of our women, children, and youth, and the future of our country.

“So, I am calling on all Sierra Leoneans, irrespective of your region, political party, or tribal line, to vote for the future of our country by voting for President Julius Maada Bio, so that he can continue his transformational programmes for our beloved country”.

President Julius Maada Bio, while addressing the people of Kenema District, thanked voters in that part of the country for their overwhelming vote for him and the SLPP party in 2018. He reminded voters that the campaign for his re-election would be based on his stewardship in the past five years and on his manifesto promises.

“I am here to face you for my re-election because I am sure that I have delivered on everything that I put in my manifesto for our country. I am proud to stand here in appreciation, with the highest conviction, that I have so far represented you and will represent you well at State House.

“Today, you will be proud that you voted rightly for me as President in 2018. Based on the many deliverables my government has achieved, I am here again with my team to sign our social contract for the second time to continue with my transformational agenda,” the President said.

For More Enquiries: State House Media and Communications Unit

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