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Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio Engages Stakeholders in Moyamba District, Assures New Converts from PMDC, APC of A Future With the SLPP Government After Elections in June

Gbangbatoke Town, Moyamba District, Sunday 4 June 2023 – Flagbearer of the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party, SLPP, and President of Sierra Leone, Dr Julius Maada Bio, has engaged stakeholders in the Moyamba District and welcomed more members, supporters from the opposition All People’s Congress, APC, and the People’s Movement for Democratic Change, PMDC who publicly declared to support his second term bid.

A Paramount Chief representative, John Jibao Russell Nyama II, reminded the President of how the district had produced two Prime Ministers, the first black Medical Doctor and the first educated and politically vibrant woman.

“His Excellency, I want to assure you and your entourage that the SLPP does not need to campaign to us in the Moyamba District because this is the home of the SLPP. What we are doing here today, as a district, is merely to take the party’s campaign to other districts.

First Lady, Dr Fatima Maada Bio, on behalf of her husband and the SLPP, expressed appreciation to residents in the district and reminded them that “we have 16 districts in Sierra Leone, but only a few among them are proud to boast of having their son as President of the nation”.

She noted that the district had produced Presidents and prominent people who had served in many capacities and had taken on leadership positions in the country.

“Moyamba District, I want to say thank you for producing the best President that loves Sierra Leone more than anything. A man who can stand tall amid all the challenges and put his nation’s interest first. A man that knows peace and its value. That is President Julius Maada Bio.

“The programmes of President Bio know no boundary in terms of development, targeting all children irrespective of region, tribe or political affiliation. Because of his rebranding efforts, the name Sierra Leone has changed from being associated with war, corruption, Ebola, and gender-based violence to a nation that is on the path of becoming great by prioritising education, women and girls, and other national development,” she informed.

President Bio thanked the people of Lower and Upper Banta Chiefdoms and the Moyamba District as a whole for their unconditional support of the party, adding that the time had come for registered voters to exercise their rights. He urged that, based on the many tangible developmental strides in the country, they should vote for him to complete what he had already started during his first term in office.

“From Sir Milton Margai to Julius Maada Bio, there is always a connection to come to Moyamba. So, I want you all to know that the hard work we have been putting into this is a result of the fact that our agenda is not to be distracted, but rather to develop this nation of ours.

“We have made gains in almost all sectors, from health to education, gender empowerment, electrification of district headquarters, and cushioning of business sectors, among others. We are a government and a party for all Sierra Leoneans – the Sierra Leone People’s Party. In five short years, your own party has taken the lead in transforming our country, which you are and should be proud of,” he noted.

 For More Enquiries: State House Media and Communications Unit



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