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President Julius Maada Bio emphasises government’s commitment to the fight against corruption in Sierra Leone

Moyamba Town, Southern Province, Monday 23 December 2019 – His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio, who is on a “Thank You Tour” in Moyamba District, has said that his government remains committed to the fight against corruption in the country.

In a welcome address, Paramount Chief Foday Momoh Gulama of Kaiyamba Chiefdom said that they had seen great progress since the New Direction Government in 2018 and commended the President, especially for providing the free quality education and for reviving the government technical institute in the district after years of neglect.

Chairman, Moyamba District Council, Joseph Mbogba, said that they were excited to receive the President and entourage. He said that they were pleased with the government’s efforts at developing the country’s human capital, especially the approval of 339 schools and 314 teachers in the district. He assured of their support to the government’s development agenda.

In his keynote address, President Bio said that although his government inherited a challenging system, he had been able to make lots of progress as evident in the ongoing developments across the country. He said that through quality leadership, the image of the country was beginning to change at the international level.

He reiterated his government’s stance on the fight against corruption, saying that it had been an impediment for development in the country. He noted that for far too long, corruption had been responsible for the suffering of people, adding that his government remained committed to changing that narrative.

He disclosed that because of a determined leadership, the New Direction Government had been able to clamp down on corrupt practices and as well recovered a lot of monies stolen by corrupt individuals. He said those monies would be used to provide quality health services for the people of Sierra Leone.

He also thanked the people of Moyamba District for their continued support, especially for overwhelmingly voting him President of the Republic in the 2018 elections. He said that his government was working hard to bring development to every part of the country and assured the people of Moyamba of his commitment to improving their lives.

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