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President Julius Maada Bio Calls for Unity among Sierra Leoneans in Guinea, Conakry

Conakry, Guinea, Wednesday, 8 May 2019 – His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio has called on Sierra Leoneans living in the Republic of Guinea to be united for the common interest of the country during his 2-day visit to Conakry.

The President, who was received by President Alpha Conde, thanked his compatriots in the neighbouring country for their tremendous efforts during the general elections in 2018 and expressed profound gratitude to them for their support in nation building. He also used the occasion to call on them to work together, by putting the interest of the country above party politics.

President Bio also updated the community about the achievements made so far in one year of his presidency, citing the free quality education, fight against corruption as well as gains made in revenue generation. He said the launch of the free quality education was a way of investing in the country’s next generation and to provide the basis for sustainable development.

“I am happy you have this Union here, which represents people from different background in our country. I urge you all to stay together. There should be no division, but to work for the same course of representing Sierra Leone in Guinea. As President of Sierra Leone, it is my responsibility to protect every citizen regardless of tribe, region or political belief,” he said.

President of the Sierra Leone National Union in Guinea, Daniel Fonah, told President Bio that they were pleased to meet with him and the new ambassador to Conakry. He added that they had had regular meetings to make sure that Sierra Leoneans were united. 

In a brief statement, Ambassador Alimamy Bangura noted that since he took up office he had worked closely with Sierra Leoneans in Guinea, adding that he had also ensured most of the challenges he met were gradually resolved.

In another engagement, President Bio also visited the Sonoco Flour Production Factory in Conakry where he made a conducted tour of the facility to get a firsthand experience of how they work, with a view to encouraging them to explore similar opportunities in Sierra Leone.

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