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Miss Sierra Leone 2019 Contestants Meet President Julius Maada Bio

State House, Freetown, Wednesday 18 September 2019 – Contestants for this year’s Miss Sierra Leone Beauty Pageantry have called at State House to pay a courtesy call on His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio ahead of Saturday’s contest.

First Lady Mrs. Fatima Bio, who presented the contestants, thanked the President for hosting the team, saying that it was an honour to be around them. She said that they were meeting the President to officially inform him about the contest because the New Direction Government believed in youth empowerment.

She disclosed that the winner of the contest would have the opportunity to represent Sierra Leone at the 69th edition of the Miss World pageant, slated for December 14 in London, United Kingdom. The First Lady also impressed on the young ladies that it would a big achievement for the winner who would eventually represent abroad and called on the contestants to put on their best performances because they were representing the hopes of their respective districts.

In his response, President Bio thanked the group of people who had been working and providing support to the contestants and noted that he was proud of the quality of products being produced lately. He added that he was particularly proud that the country was now grooming young ladies who were bold and ready to represent the country internationally.

He stated that the ladies were ambassadors of their respective districts and encouraged them to be models, by always putting on their best. He also said that it was the responsibility of government to help its citizens actualize their fullest potentials, adding that that was why his government was providing quality education to every Sierra Leonean because education was the best tool for both personal and national development.

“The beauty in you shines better when you have an education. We are giving everyone the required tools to be able to succeed because the future of this nation depends on the quality of people we produce. So, I encourage you all to make use of the free quality education we are providing because there is no shortcut to success. I also call on you to maintain moral values because as parents it is our responsibility to guide you,” he said.

Miss Kono, Christiana Sia Johnson, who delivered the vote of thanks, said that it was a privilege to meet the President and commended him for offering them words of wisdom. She also expressed their appreciation to the First Lady for organizing the visit.

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